Streaming Workflows#

pctasks supports streaming item creation and ingestion into the pgstac database. At a high level, Storage Events are persisted to a Cosmos DB container. A Change Feed monitors that container for new events, and dispatches them to dataset-specific work queues. By registering a streaming workflow with pctasks, pctasks will monitor the storage account and process the messages from each per-dataset queue.

Writing a streaming workflow#

A streaming workflow is similar to other pctasks workflows, but requires a few additional properties on the streaming tasks within the workflow:

  1. The workflow should have a single job with a single task.

  2. The task must define the streaming-related properties using args:

    • queue_url

    • visibility_timeout

    • min_replica_count

    • max_replica_count

    • polling_interval

    • trigger_queue_length

  3. The task must define the CPU and memory resources it requires using resources, which directly maps to Kubernetes container resources.

  4. The workflow should set the top-level is_streaming property to true.

See microsoft/planetary-computer-tasks for an example.

In addition to these schema-level requirements, there are some expectations in how the workflow behaves at runtime. In general, streaming tasks should run indefinitely. They should continuously process messages from a queue, and leave starting, stopping, and scaling to the pctasks framework (we use Kubernetes Deployments and KEDA for that).

Using Spot Nodes#

By default, streaming workflows will use regular (non-spot) nodes. To allow a streaming workflow to be scheduled on a spot node, set allow_spot_instances: true in the args.streaming_options of the task definition:

    id: job-id
      - id: task-id
        image: "..."
        task: "..."
            allow_spot_instances: true

The Kubernetes Pod running this task will prefer to run on a preemptible node. It will fall back to a regular node group if necessary.

Creating a Streaming Workflow#

To add a new streaming workflow, you’ll need to:

  1. Create a new workflow file called datasets/{dataset}/streaming.yaml. You can base it off one of the existing streaming workflow files. Make sure to update the

    • image

    • code.src

    • args.streaming_options.queue_url

    • args.streaming_options.resources

    • create_items_function

    • collection_id

    • id

    • dataset

  2. Build a new task image if necessary. Make sure its tag matches the tag in the workflow file.

  3. Update the deployment configuration:

    a. Create the Storage Queue by updating b. Add the dispatch rule to c. Add a test case to pctasks_funcs/tests/ d. redeploy the terraform e. restart the function app. Either in the portal or with az functionapp restart --name '<name>' --resource-group '<resource-group>'

  4. Set up the Event Grid System Topic and Subscription to write to the storage-events queue

  5. Deploy the workflow with

    pctasks workflow upsert-and-submit datasets/{dataset}/streaming.yaml

    including whatever arguments are necessary.

Registering a streaming workflow#

A streaming workflow is registered with pctasks like any other workflow, using the pctasks CLI:

$ pctasks workflow create path/to/workflow.yaml

This will store the workflow in pctasks’ database, but won’t actually start processing items from the stream.

Running a streaming workflow#

To actually start processing with a streaming workflow, you need to “submit” the workflow.

$ pctasks workflow submit '<workflow_id>'

This will cause the actual compute resources to be created. You’ll first see an Argo Workflow created. That workflow pod is what creates the Kubernetes Deployment processing messages from the queue, and the KEDA scaled object responsible for scaling the Deployment.

Dataset queue dispatch#

A certain class of streaming workflows, STAC item creation in response to new blobs being created, use a well-known set of storage queues and Azure Functions to dispatch Event Grid messages to the correct per-dataset queue.

All messages flow into a single storage-events Storage Queue. These Event Grid System Topics and subscriptions are managed outside of pc-tasks. The StorageEventsQueue Azure Function gets the raw messages from the queue to Cosmos DB.

The StorageEventsCF Azure Function monitors the Cosmos DB container for new messages and dispatches them to the appropriate per-dataset queue. When setting up a new streaming pipeline for a datasets, you’ll need to write some rules to configure how messages are dispatched. These configuration rules live in terraform module, under azurerm_linux_function_app.pctasks.app_settings.

Storage events are dispatched based on the of the Cloud Event, which is a URL like

We rely on a naming convention for environment variables to determine which storage queues to dispatch to. The pattern is


For example, the rule


maps to the nested object:

        "GOES_GLM": {
            "QUEUE_NAME": "goes-glm",
            "PREFIX": ""

If both a prefix and suffix are defined, then both rules must match.

Additional Azure Resources#

Streaming workflows require a few additional Azure resources to be created:

  1. A Cosmos DB database. This is managed outside of pctasks. The source events are configured to write to Cosmos DB outside of pctasks.

  2. An AKS node pool dedicated to running streaming tasks (not technically necessary). This is managed by pctasks in

  3. A Kubernetes namespace for streaming tasks (not technically necessary). This is managed by pctasks.

  4. A Kubernetes secret for accessing the storage queues.

  5. A Helm deployment of KEDA.

  6. A KEDA TriggerAuthentication object in the same namespace as the streaming tasks.

  7. A storage-events queue that receives event grid notifications from Blob Storage

  8. An ingest queue that receives newly created STAC items from the Cosmos DB change feed.


The tasks running the streaming jobs need some additional permissions. Assuming you’ve set CLIENT_ID, to the ID of the service principal running tasks and SUBSCRIPTION_ID, RESOURCE_GROUP, and STORAGE_ACCOUNT to the correct values for the Storage Account where the messages are being sent.

pctasks operational storage containers

pctasks uses a set of storage containers to manage task input and output, logging, and code distribution. For batch tasks, the pctasks service takes care of generating short-lived SAS tokens. Because streaming tasks are long-lived, we instead rely on the managed identity having the proper access to each of these containers (read for code, contributor for taskio and status).

❯ az role assignment create \
        --assignee "$CLIENT_ID" \
        --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
        --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGE_ACCOUNT/blobServices/default/containers/taskio"

❯ az role assignment create \
        --assignee "$CLIENT_ID" \
        --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
        --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGE_ACCOUNT/blobServices/default/containers/tasklogs"

❯ az role assignment create \
        --assignee "$CLIENT_ID" \
        --role "Storage Blob Data Reader" \
        --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGE_ACCOUNT/blobServices/default/containers/code"

storage queue

The streaming workflow tasks will receive messages from a queue, create STAC items from the message. the Storage Queue Data Contributor role is required to receive and delete the messages when they’re successfully processed.

❯ az role assignment create \
        --assignee "$CLIENT_ID" \
        --role "Storage Queue Data Contributor" \
        --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGE_ACCOUNT"

Cosmos DB

The streaming workflow tasks will write their outputs to a Cosmos DB container. Note that Cosmos DB requires the Object ID of the Enterprise Application associated with your Service Principal.




The name of your Cosmos DB account


The name of your resource group


The name of the database in your Cosmos DB account


The name of the container in your Cosmos DB database


The object ID of the enterprise application associated with your service principal

az cosmosdb sql role assignment create \
    --account-name "$COSMOS_DB_ACCOUNT_NAME"
    --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
    --scope "/dbs/$DATABASE_NAME/colls/$CONTAINER_NAME/" \
    --role-definition-id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" \
    --principal-id "$OBJECT_ID"

TaskIO Service Principal#

The streaming implementation uses a dedicated Service Principal for interacting with pctasks’ storage container for loading task run messages and logging outputs.

The primary ETL Service Principal is still used for interacting with the data containers.

Implementation notes#

This section describes the implementation of streaming workflows. It’s mostly useful for developers of pctasks, rather than end users. We’ll refer to this architecture diagram, which demonstrates a pipeline that generates STAC items for new objects in Blob Storage, and ingests those items to a PgSTAC database:

Low latency workflow

Blob storage events kick off the whole process. These are configured outside of pctasks. The events should all write to the same storage queue (see green circle 1).

An Azure Function processes messages off this queue, writing those storage events to a storage-events container in Cosmos DB. This is implemented in the StorageEventsQueue function.

A second Azure Function processes messages off the storage-events container’s change feed. This function dispatches blob storage events to the appropriate dataset queue for that storage event (see green circle 2). This is implemented in the StorageEventsCF function.

When the user submits a streaming workflow with pctasks workflow submit, we create a Kubernetes Deployment and a KEDA ScaledObject (see green circle 3). This deployment will run the (user-provided) create_item code to make a STAC item from the URL of the object triggering the Storage Event. The output is written to the items container in Cosmos DB.

A third Azure Function monitors this items container for new items using its change feed. It will forward the new items to a publish queue. An ingest deployment (created once per database – not once per dataset) will handle ingesting these items into the PgSTAC database (see green circle 4).

Azure Functions Configuration#

This table documents the additional configuration values in the azure functions. Keys in bold are required.




The name of the Cosmos DB container the StorageEventsCF function should monitor.


The name of the Cosmos DB container the PublishItemsCF function should monitor.


The URL of the Azure Storage Account containing the various queues.


An optional access key to interact with storage queues. Ideally, managed identities and Azure RBAC are used instead.